By Nancy Alexander, PT There is something very important to you as you live your life and move, and that is posture. What is posture and why is it so important? Posture is body position. It is one …
Boost Your Balance
by Nancy Alexander, PT September is National Fall Prevention Awareness Month and that brings me to this month’s topic. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more important one. With that, let’s talk …
Focus In on a Healthier You
By Nancy Alexander, PT As a licensed physical therapist and certified fitness specialist, my role is not just to give you an exercise to do. My job is to give you an exercise that will help you …
8 Ways to Rest, Renew and Recharge This Summer
By Nancy Alexander, PT This is not an article about exercise per se, but I feel it is just as important. It is about you. It is about checking in with you. It is about doing what’s good for you, …
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3 Reasons Why You Should Perform a Dynamic Warm Up
By Nancy Alexander, PT I was recently asked by one of my patients in the outpatient clinic where I work why he had to do a “warm up” at the start of his visit. “I’m warmed up already, let’s get to …
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Take Steps to Improve Your Bone Health
by Nancy Alexander, PT, CSCS May is National Osteoporosis Month and that makes it the perfect time to learn more about bone health and how you can help improve your bone density at any …
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